Geek Box Subscription Services

Subscription boxes that arrive at your doorstep at a regular interval have become incredibly popular. In fact, you can probably peer out the window and watch your mail carrier drop a few on your block any given day of the week. Geek boxes deliver specialty items that speak to traditionally “nerdy” interests like comic books, video games, and tech-related products.

Interested in getting your own geek box subscription? Maybe you’re shopping for a friend or family member? Use this guide to learn more about popular geek box subscriptions and what they have to offer.

What Are Geek Box Subscription Services?

Geek box subscription services cater to “nerdy” clientele looking for unique subsets of goods that they can enjoy. Depending on the box service you choose, you’ll find that some specialize in video games, while others focus on tech, sci-fi or even literature. A wide range of boxes are out there these days, so it’s easy to find a box with broad appeal or a very unique niche box.

Geek Box SubscriptionsAverage Cost Of A Geek Box Subscription

With so many subscription boxes on the market today it’s hard to put an average price on them. In general, boxes range from about $15 per month to roughly $30 per month. Some services offer add-ons that allow you to customize your box or purchase additional items that will ship with your order.

Variety Of Geek Box Subscription Available

Subscription boxes are extremely popular today and they’re ideal for collectors and enthusiasts. They also make great gifts for friends and family members. Here are a few types of subscription boxes you can find:

Video game boxes. These focus on video game accessories, paraphernalia, and in some cases, actual games.

• Tech-related boxes. Ideal for the “tech-nerd”, these boxes tend to feature small electronics and upgrade paths for things like your computer keyboard.

Fan boxes. Featuring an assortment of products, these subscription boxes are extremely popular since they can offer many varied items. Services that focus on comic books and fantasy, for example, may put together a box with a branded t-shirt, coffee mug, stickers, and a commemorative item.

These are just a few of the examples of the fun collectibles you can get from geek subscription boxes though, so take time to find a box that’s perfect for you before you buy!

Subscription boxes are everywhere today, but that’s not because they’re an easy business model. It’s because people absolutely love getting them! Even if you pay for your own, it feels like a truly special treat when a box loaded with goodies and collectibles arrives at your door.

Tons of different geek boxes are out there in today’s market, so finding one you love should be a breeze. Let your nerd flag fly!